Wood’s Homes Foundation

Supporting Children’s Mental Health

Dessert in martini glass with branded Surge Energy elementSurge has partnered with Wood’s Homes on numerous events and programs. These include the Never give Up Gala, Wine Women & Shoes, and The Santa Project.

A Letter of Thanks from Wood’s Homes Foundation to Surge

Your support of Wood’s Homes helps provide mental health programs and services to children, youth and families. As our community continues to feel the impacts of COVID-19, Wood’s Homes’ services are needed now more than ever. We are thankful for Surge Energy’s generosity that cares for our community. Since 2014, your annual support has helped ensure that We Never Say No. We Never Give up. We Never Turn Anyone Away. Over the years, Surge Energy has committed close to $70,000 to our Never Give Up work through event sponsorship and donations.

Wood’s Homes is a children’s mental health centre providing treatment and support for children, youth and their families with mental health needs. Our 500+ staff and volunteers help us provide 40+ programs and services to more than 20,000 children, youth and their families every year. In addition to our work in Calgary, we work in Lethbridge, Strathmore and Fort McMurray. Wood’s Homes is a place where children and families can turn to for help when they feel they have nowhere else to go.


“That day felt like the whole world had just come crashing down on me and utterly broke me, but the Wood’s Homes staff were there to support me through it.”

Alexander, Wood’s Homes client

Your Impact

Surge Energy has helped many families and youth struggling with mental health challenges by supporting programs of greatest need at Wood’s Homes and Santa Project that helps brighten the holidays for those in need. This year has been especially difficult for many in our community. As our family members, neighbours and friends continue to feel the effects of COVID-19, your support will ensure Wood’s Homes is here to help. Here’s how your generosity makes a difference:

Crisis and Counselling Services

Every year, over 11,000 texts, calls and chats from people in need of crisis counseling are answered thanks to your support. Our Eastside Community Mental Health Services (ECMHS) provides mental health support for those in greatest need through phone, text, chat, virtual therapy and via email (eTherapy). During this time of heightened stress, fear, anxiety and loneliness, your support ensures all calls for help are answered.

Through ECMHS’s mental health system navigation and extended services with the same registered professional for up to six sessions for families, couples and individuals, your support provides both immediate and long-term help when it is most needed.

Inglewood Opportunity Hub

Programs and services for vulnerable youth The Inglewood Opportunity Hub, formerly the EXIT Youth Hub, provides wrap-around services for multibarriered youth. With a focus on: Well-Being, Mental and Physical Health, Specialized Employment Support, and Housing Services and Support – the Inglewood Opportunity Hub brings together multiple services for vulnerable young people under one roof. Thanks to your generosity, at-risk youth can access crisis support, medical care, mental health services, addictions counselling, employment support and housing in one location.